Check for Updates
Checks if you’re running on the latest version – if not, an optional download/install will handle the rest for you.
Launch on Startup
Highly advised. :D
Deacivate on Eraser
…also highly advised.
Auto Focus on Menu Hover
Hej Stylus! catches your cursor when moving into it's perimeter – it saves a click but can be distracting. If so: deactivate!
Reinitialize Tools
Whenever there should be an issue with any of the tools press this button. This resets all tools to ‘factory settings’ - all the presets and preferences stay untouched.
Indicator Color
Make your custom cursor color.
Indicator Alpha
Define the Alpha to be less prominent.
Set to zero to have no indication at all.
Permanent Helper Lines
All perspective grids will stay (gently) on the canvas whilst working.
Vanishing Point Rays
Select the amount of rays when placing a Vanishing Point.
UI Mode Selector
Select Dark / Light UI Override or use your System’s UI colors.
Version 3.2+ is supporting custom shortcuts.
Click in the field next to the desired function and perform the shortcut as you want it to be. If it is refusing yours then try another one.
To assign a new shortcut press the x and record a new one.
Pro Tip:
After setting up the shortcuts in Hej Stylus!
quit and set up the desired shortcuts in the Wacom driver for express buttons or pen button(s). Big timesaver!